africa — TRAVEL JOURNAL — HandZaround


Married Couple Backpacking Africa (while making money!): Part I | Interview With HandZaround by 'Backpacking In Africa'

Married Couple Backpacking Africa (while making money!): Part I | Interview With HandZaround by 'Backpacking In Africa'

‘It’s not everyday you meet a married couple backpacking Africa. But after Zach (Australian) & his wife Hanna (Polish) from HandZaround bought my book, that’s exactly what they decided to do. Their story is amazing, and once you start following them & see their photography you’ll understand how they’re getting paid to do it.’ - read our interview originally posted by Backpacking Africa For Beginners.

Tips On How To Handle The Heat In Africa

Tips On How To Handle The Heat In Africa

There are many things to consider when travelling anywhere in Africa… but one thing you need to take seriously is the heat! Read more about how to take care of yourself in a hot climate in this short article.

A Day in Mombasa - Photographs & Words | HandZaround

A Day in Mombasa - Photographs & Words | HandZaround

Are you coming to Mombasa or are you simply interested what it's like in this bustling city? We spent a day walking around the town and we would love to share with you our budget advice on where to stay, where to eat and what to see in Mombasa in a day!