handzaroundafrica — TRAVEL JOURNAL — HandZaround


Married Couple Backpacking Africa (while making money!): Part I | Interview With HandZaround by 'Backpacking In Africa'

Married Couple Backpacking Africa (while making money!): Part I | Interview With HandZaround by 'Backpacking In Africa'

‘It’s not everyday you meet a married couple backpacking Africa. But after Zach (Australian) & his wife Hanna (Polish) from HandZaround bought my book, that’s exactly what they decided to do. Their story is amazing, and once you start following them & see their photography you’ll understand how they’re getting paid to do it.’ - read our interview originally posted by Backpacking Africa For Beginners.

Tips On How To Handle The Heat In Africa

Tips On How To Handle The Heat In Africa

There are many things to consider when travelling anywhere in Africa… but one thing you need to take seriously is the heat! Read more about how to take care of yourself in a hot climate in this short article.

How To Budget For Long Term Travel | HandZaround

How To Budget For Long Term Travel | HandZaround

How much money is enough to travel long term? What should your daily budget be? How much does things cost in Asia and Africa? We managed to travel for 18 months spending just $30 per day for us two! Check out our comprehensive guide to find out more about planning your budget, saving money, managing money during travel and read our 16 Money Saving Tips for Long Term Travel.

What to Pack For Long Term Travel On A Budget | HandZaround

What to Pack For Long Term Travel On A Budget | HandZaround

We've been travelling for almost 18 months now and we've certainly gotten used to living out of a backpack. There are a million 'packing checklists' or 'travel must-haves' out there, so we decided to share with you the things we learnt over time and things we discovered by trying (sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing!). Our Travel Resources page has been created to help you get ready for any travels you're dreaming of and in this post we would love to share with you all that we know about packing for long term travels.

How To Plan Long Term Travel On A Budget | HandZaround

How To Plan Long Term Travel On A Budget | HandZaround

Planning your long term travel on a budget is an excitingly daunting task! There are so many things to consider in order to come up with your perfect trip. In this post we have put together some information that will help you to plan a more thoughtful and ultimately more enjoyable long term trip, based on the things you like doing.

Only Two Months in Africa Left: Leaving Kenya for Uganda and Rwanda | HandZaround

Only Two Months in Africa Left: Leaving Kenya for Uganda and Rwanda | HandZaround

'The last 3 months have been busy! We've covered thousands of kilometres all around Kenya - from the Ethiopian border to the Ugandan border (which we're about to cross tonight) and then head straight on to the Rwandan one. We're so excited about the next two months... or actually the whole of 2018! (...)'