ABOUT US β€” HandZaround
'Our world, seemingly global, is in reality a planet of thousands of the most varied and never intersecting provinces. A trip around the world is a journey from backwater to backwater, each of which considers itself, in its isolation, a shining star.' 
/ Ryszard Kapuscinski 'The Shadow of the Sun'

Thank you for visiting our page! We hope that here you will be able to get inspired by our stories filled with words, photographs and films. We hope we will make you more familiar with the faraway places that you might not have heard of; with people who do a lot of good in their local areas and with things that make a traveller's daily life that one bit easier.

Travelling to a few places for a couple of weeks was alright to start with but one summer two years ago we decided we needed more. For over a year we've been saving money and on a cold November day in 2016 we left our cosy London bedroom to head to Asia. Over a year later and after we went around the world through Asia, Australia and USA, we find ourselves travelling across East Africa and working on our travel website and film & photography projects to sustain our travels.

We really believe in the global world as it makes travelling fairly easy - which we're really grateful for. In saying that, we also think that everything what's local is as important - local communities, customs and businesses come together to make our journey unique and exciting. Wherever we'll go, we'll travel slowly and we'll always look for 'backwaters', where local tales and stories, bit by bit, create the beautiful global world we are lucky to live in.

HandZaround is Hanna and Zach around the world! Hanna takes care of filmmaking, photography, editing and writing, whilst Zach rules the drone, HandZaround's Instagram, logistics & finances.

To find out what we're up to at the moment and where the road took us, visit our social media.

Safe travels!
