How To Stay Safe While Travelling — HandZaround

How To Stay Safe While Travelling


Travelling is the most fun way to add to your library of life stories. Sure, a book club could offer some interesting conversation, but for the wow factor, you need to go, see, and do. Today, we’re going to look at travel safety. Because you could run into many problems that you might not have considered.

For example, you could be hit by a car, or you could get into a tight spot over an altercation with another person while travelling - you may wish to get more info from a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles if you have been affected.

Research the area before you arrive 

If someone were travelling to your country, or your town, or specifically your neighbourhood, you’d have ample advice for them on where to go and what to do to have a good time. But you’d also no doubt have something to say about where to avoid. The same is true of anywhere in the world. You can be wandering the romantic cobbled streets of a café and bar district one moment, only to turn a corner and find you’ve accidentally arrived at a place where smoky characters in doorways look like they are weighing you up for a scam, or worse. 

It only takes a few moments of online research to find out where the more ‘must-see’ parts of town are, and also where the ‘avoid at night or if you’re alone’ areas may be. Of course, if you’re ever in doubt, you could always take taxis between the major areas of your visit - but make sure you stick to official taxis, and ask for the meter to be switched on (this particular scam - whereby you will be overcharged - is one to which you could fall victim if you are not careful).

Image by Hector Arguello Canals

Image by Hector Arguello Canals

Go onto the bank to withdraw cash

You most likely won’t be set upon by thieves at the actual cash point. Instead, they note that you have withdrawn a sum of money, including the pocket you have put it in, and they will follow you and wait for their chance away from crowded areas and security cameras. The more touristy and full of people, the more chance they have of blending in, so even though you might feel like crowds are safe, you should always withdraw cash from inside the bank while travelling.

Image by Haniel Espinal

Image by Haniel Espinal

Don’t get out of your mind drunk 

One of the most direct routes to being noticed by criminals is to be blind drunk. While in a state of advanced inebriation, you are not only more susceptible to scams but also less likely to be able to defend yourself. One of the things that ties in with this tip is to load a map on your phone before you go out at night and make sure you know the way back to your hotel. The last thing you need while travelling is to be drunk, lost, and depending on help from strangers to get back to your hotel.   

Image by Luke Stackpoole

Image by Luke Stackpoole

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