Los Angeles - Sights To See Off The Beaten Track — HandZaround

Los Angeles - Sights To See Off The Beaten Track


Los Angeles is a city on virtually everyone’s bucket list. There’s Disneyland. Universal Studios. The Hollywood Sign. Santa Monica Beach. And Sunset Boulevard. But if you’re looking for the kinds of LA experiences that might stand out in a photo album (compared to everyone else’s photo with the Hollywood sign), there are some off the beaten track gems for you to check out.



However, first things first. LA is big. Getting around isn’t easy. Just like getting around all of the sights in places like Rome or Paris, you can’t do it on foot - certainly not in a day, anyway (unless you really want to feel those dogs barking in the evening!). That’s why car hire is more or less essential if you’re going to make the most of your time. The only thing is that the streets in LA are somewhat crowded.


If you’ve ever seen that classic shot of about a hundred lanes of traffic, it was probably taken in LA, where arguably the worst traffic in all of America bottlenecks and causes hours of congestion in the baking heat every day. We’re not trying to put you off. We’re just saying plan to avoid peak times, and know where to turn if you are affected by a road accident (for example, see Los Angeles personal injury lawyer). Now, with that in order, let’s move on with a look at, well, what to look at.



Visit the RMS Queen Mary


Just like the Titanic before her, the Queen Mary ocean liner takes the prefix RMS. You may be used to the prefix HMS for British ships, which stands for His/Her Majesty’s Ship. However, since the Queen Mary had speed, the vessel was permitted the grand honour of carrying his/her majesty’s royal mail (in the days before trans-Atlantic jets, the RMS title meant that a ship was sturdy and fast - a prestigious prefix among other mere ‘HMS’ style ships). Why is all this important? Because the RMS Queen Mary is a sight truly worthy of the prefix RMS.


Once a jewel in both the UK’s wartime and peacetime fleet, the Queen Mary is now permanently docked in Longbeach. Stay in the on-board hotel (with 346 staterooms!). See the 1930s decor. Eat at the Queen Mary’s award-winning restaurants. Visit the spa. This ship has a lot to offer, with a treat for the eyes around every corner.


Visit the LA Zoo


When you think of LA, you probably don’t think of visiting a zoo. But with giraffes, anteaters, bears, chimps, elephants, gorillas, and bat-eared foxes on show, you’d be missing out. You’ll need a full day, however, as the 133 acre LA zoo is equivalent in size to about 70 football pitches. Wear comfy shoes, everybody!


This post is a contribution to HandZaround.com