London, Paris, Dubai, Barcelona... whaaat?!
This is what we found doing a quick Google search about 'the best cities to visit in 2018'. Okay, there were some 'alternative' ones too, like Copenhagen or Seville, but come on - everyone has heard of these cities already. Pinterest is flooded with Seville and Copenhagen guides.
We decided to bring you something fresh and off-the-beaten track - the cities we visited in 2017 that we think you would love visiting on your 2018 trips! We went for the ones that combine affordability, awesome and friendly vibe, unique adventures or unique sights and yummy food. And on top of that, we decided to share with you the first episode of HandZaround City Video Guide, which you can find at the bottom of this article. Stay tuned because we have more of them coming!
Here is our
Top 10 alternative Cities to Visit in the World in 2018
and the reasons why we loved them: