Ethical Elephant Tour in Luang Prabang in Laos: The Mandalao Experience - Film And Photographs | HandZaround β€” HandZaround

Ethical Elephant Tour in Luang Prabang in Laos: The Mandalao Experience - Film And Photographs | HandZaround

Luang Prabang, Laos, March 2017

You might remember that when we were in Thailand, we stumbled across an elephant sanctuary, which mistreated its elephants in front of our eyes. We didn't like it so we used the power of social media to let people know about it. Luckily, the sanctuary saw our posts and the video, and they fired the person, who was aggressive towards the elephants and was hitting them with a sharp hook. They even uploaded the official papers of the police report filled against the man.

Whilst in Luang Prabang, we had the privilege of helping MandaLao, an Intimate Non-Riding Elephant Experience, boost their social media presence with our photographs and a short film.

They are the kind of people that we whole-heartedly support. No riding, no hitting and no exploitation of the majestic elephants. We were lucky enough to spend two days out in the jungle, filming and photographing their elephants (including the cutest baby elephant ever, named Kit).

When you are able to walk alongside these massive beasts and look into their eyes, you just sense their intelligence and self awareness. 

Please enjoy our photographs and short film about the MandaLao Elephant Experience and let us know what you think.


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laos elephant experience handzaround feeding elephants